We Launched Version 3.5.0!

These days we launched the newest Version 3.5.0 of Imixs-Office-Workflow. The new version includes a lot of new Features and Functions that makes it easier to introduce business process management across your company.

Java EE7 Support

The Open Source platform now supports Java Enterprise Java EE7. This makes it easy to integrate it into existing IT infrastructure. The excellent support of Rest Services also allows the development of a modern service-oriented infrastructure.


Imixs-Office-Workflow supports Docker and provides the latest Image to run the BPM platform on a modern containerized infrastructure. The docker image is based on the Red Hat Wildfly Application Server which is perfect for development as also for production.

Custom Forms

We already introduced the new Custom Forms in our last blog. With custom forms you can define forms at run-time within the Imixs BPMN modeler. This is a great feature to setup new workflows faster and gives you more flexibility in optimizing your business processes.