The Imixs-Workflow project supports a new feature to generate SEPA files. The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) is a payment-integration initiative of the European Union for simplification of bank transfers denominated in euro. The new adapter project Imixs-SEPA-Adapter simplifies the SEPA integration in any kind of invoicing or controlling workflow. The project provides a scheduler service to generate SEPA files on a daily basis. For example this module can be used to export the results of an invoice approval process into a SEPA file which can be used in any payment software.
Free and Flexible Adaptability
The Imixs-SEPA-Adapter is based on BPMN 2.0 and the Imixs-Report functionality to allows a free adaptability of the SEPA export to any custom workflow project. This adaptability is important because invoicing workflows differ from company to company. The adapter integrates seamlessly into Imixs-Office-Worklow.
The SEPA file generated by the adapter can be distributed into the task list of the companies finance team or sent via E-Mail notifications. For security reasons the distribution via the task list is recommended as this fully utilize the strict access concepts of Imixs-Workflow.
Detailed information about the adapter project can be found on Github. The project is in continuous development and contributions from the community are welcome at any time.