Imixs-Office-Workflow is a production ready easy to use Business Process Management Suite. It enables you to digitize and organize documents and business workflows – fast, flexible, transparent. 100% Open Source for a sustainable enterprise IT!
We help you to optimize your business processes. Based on BPMN 2.0, documents and information will be created and automatically distributed according to individual business rules. Employees have a secure and transparent access to information, data and business processes.
Today, we need to process more business information every day. Teams must collaborate fast, clear and in a structured way. We have created the open source platform that helps you to digitize your business processes. Imixs-Office-Workflow is connecting employees, customers and partners. Take advantage of a powerful integrated open source platform workflow suite for your business.
BPMN 2.0
With Imixs-Office-Workflow, you define your business process with BPMN 2.0 – “Business Process Model and Notation “. This is the common standard to model a business process. BPMN gives you the flexibility to define your own business rules. Thus, you are not bound by a static software solution. adapts to your needs now and in the future.
Imixs-Office-Workflow is based on the Open Source Project Open-BPMN and supports BPMN for various IDEs.
Create, Import and Distribute Documents
Imixs-Office-Workflow supports full DMS functionality. You can create any kind of Office document out from your business workflow. You can import documents from various sources including full OCR functionality. And you can distribute your documents with ease.